miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Another way to improve your English Skills

 What do you think if I tell you that going to classes are not enough? In order to overcome that invisible barrier of language. I will give you my secret, because is not your school's fault, we always need more in order to be successful.

 I had been living for the past 7 months in EF NY, Tarrytown, New York, EEUU. The classes are really interesting and challenging but if I want to improve my English level is up to me, to work a little extra to achieve my goal.


1.-. Study hard. Just go to class is not enough believe me, is up to you work hard to full-field the English level that you want

2.-. Watch English TV without subtitles. Sounds really weird but is true, it helps me a lot, movies that at the beginning I didn't understand because my listening wasn't good enough but after practicing with something that I like my listening improve a lot and it means that now I don't have any problem to understand movies. A big part of English is listening and in order to improve it this is a fun way.

3.-. Find Friends. One of my dear friends here told me one day that for us (students from different countries together in another as a foreigner students) is really easy to have friends because we all came in the same "condition" alone and with some fears. We can connect with each other in a way that is deeper and truthful. So, take advantage of those opportunities and talk your English out. Work it! Your English is waiting for you to be used.

4.-. Think, Talk and Write in English. Sounds really hard and in my experience I'll tell you, the hardest part is think in English but the Speaking part as I wrote before is up to you. Don't get desperate you'll make it but you need at the beginning be confident and force yourself to do it.

5.-. Talk to Native English Speakers. In mi case it helps me a lot in my School I had been lucky, my teachers and staff are really friendly and talking to them is always something that I enjoy and at the same time if I have some mistake speaking they always with a smile and good intentions correct me.

 This kind of actions helped me a lot to develop my English Skills here in USA for my First 7 months in USA.

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